Titania Floss Toss

Mirabilia’s Titania is one of the first Mirabilia patterns I fell in love with and wanted to stitch, but the size and apparent complexity, plus the fact that in Australia MIrabilia patterns are not cheap, put me off (this was 12 years ago… long before I decided I could stitch ANYTHING – that was something I decided 3 years ago :D)

So I have decided to finally sit down and stitch her. She will be my first Mirabilia fairy, and I have what I have decided are her companion pieces – Midsummer’s Night Fairy, and Shakespeare’s Fairies. ( Even if she didn’t mean to, all three names make me think of Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”. I also have Lily of the Woods to stitch, and if I get all 4 of those done, I will have enough fairies stitched I think. (I am also stitching two PR Fairies so that will make 6 designs if I ever want to make a fairy wall).

Anyway, floss tosses:
Black Orchid Flair
floss toss  titania

Fairy Twilight
floss toss

Spring Meadow:
floss toss

I bought the black orchid with Titania in mind, but I may change my mind. Although I do think she would work well on any of those fabrics.

Also finally started playing with my new dyes. This is a very pale version of what I am thinking for Midsummers Night. It is a blend of blue, grey and a pinky mauve colour.
mini tiral dye

It was just a small piece to trial things, so tomorrow I think I will try a bigger piece and then if that looks good, go from there. Ignore the dark spots. They were an accident! What do people think?