I don’t know why…

But Passione Ricamo designs seem to stitch soooo slowly! If I sit down with a Joan Elliott design or a Mirabilia, they seem to almost want to stitch themselves, but PR designs, which have fantastic colours and look great seem to be slow… Not sure why that is. But this one, I think, is because of all the sparklies…

fairy of dreams,passione ricamo

Now I had a question about Chatelaine Misty Morning Vineyard – I am stitching it on white linen – but it is a French linen, so finer than Zweigert and more a creamy white than a bright white. I have converted 90% off it into HDF silks, which I like to stitch with, and am contemplating changing the silk in the border I am currently stitching for a different colour that is closer to the Caron waterlily colour called for… however, I am not sure that I will. It will look fine with either, but the darker colour varigate is probably closer to the original than the one I am stitching with currently. Anyway, if anyone wants the conversion, I can post it. HDF is a lot cheaper than Caron silks.

Thanks everyone for all your comments!!

A bit more skirt…

fairy queen,passione ricamo

fairy queen,passione ricamo

Some of the lacy bit is done…

Just one more colour to go…

fairy queen

fairy queen,passione ricamo

fairy queen,passione ricamo

fairy queen,passione ricamo

Skirt… Surprisingly relaxing considering it is 3-4 different cream coloured flosses…

fairy queen,passione ricamo

Fairy Queen update

fairy queen,passione ricamo

Slowly getting her skirt done.

fairy queen,passione ricamo

Photo post :D

Water Goddess – the great frogging progress..

2.9.10 frogging

The lily pad has to go 😦

2.9.10 watergoddess close up

Close up of her skirt

fairy queen,passione ricamo

A little bit more of Fairy Queen

2.9.10 chrysanthemum taking shape

The start of the Chrysanthemum and the phoenix

Egyptian garden - mutant over 1 finsh...

And an over 1 fish on Egyptian Garden.

I got bored…

With the over 1 skin… I have made a deal with myself that I will stitch one strand of skin and then can do some of her dress each time I stitch Fairy Queen, otherwise I will never get her done I think.

fairy queen

I stitched some more Sleeping Beauty as well. With Mirabilia patterns she has a very specific way of setting out her colours and so once you work out what she is doing where, they become very easy to stitch. I got about 2-3 times the amount of stitching done on Sleeping Beauty as I did on Fairy Queen because of this…

sleeping beauty

sleeping beauty

And just for fun, while I am waiting for them to arrive, some of the colours I am getting from Enchanted fabrics
violet splendor flair

ocean depths flair

ocean depths mystique

hocus pocus flair

fairy twilight

cotton candy mystique

black orchid flair


I will post real photos when they arrive in 6 weeks-2months time 😀

Queen of fairies..

Her skin is over 1 which is taking lots of concentration and fiddling, but I think will be worth it:

fairy queen

Finally some photos…

I have done about 50 stitches on my Bramble and the Rose – 25ct 1 over 1 with HDF Bewrayed and bewined.
bramble and the rose

A little bit more on my winter queen – I am going to be so SICK of white by the time I am done I think!!!
winter queen

And another 500 stitches or so on Sleeping Beauty.
sleeping beauty

sleeping beauty

Also I have been picking this up on and off since last tme I stitched her – Fairy Queen – sorry about the shadows.
fairy queen

A bit of stitching finally

A little more done on the wings:

An experiment- I love this saying:

Its on bright green linen which doesn’t show up that well in the photo. And the n in envy is wrong… oh well…

And Blossom time:

papillion creations.

HDF Fire Dragon and a custom green.

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